
Bhulekh Odisha check Land Records, ROR online bhulekh.ori.nic.in

Bhulekh Odisha Land Records Web Portal ( Bhunaksha )using to Check checked through Khatiyan Number/Plot Number /Tenant Details

Bhulekh Odisha portal is the website of Revenue & DM Department,  Odisha to check the Khata, Plot and Tenant details of Land Parcels present within the state. The data is updated every day in order to reflect the actual status of Land parcels.

Bhulekh Odisha land records web portal

Bhulekh Odisha Home Page

You can check your map details at the tab of “MapView”.

Please visit the URL: https://bhulekh.ori.nic.in

The “State Statistics” displays the figure of Villages, Khatiyans ,Plots and Tenants.

“Select Location for RoR” section helps in searching of Khata, Plot and Tenant details of Land Parcels

Searching View RoR details

You can check your ROR map details at the tab of “View RoR” and “MapView”.

1. Please select District, Tahasil and Village

2. Once Village is selected, search by Khatiyan option is selected by default. Land Parcel can also be searched through Plot no/Tenant name.

3. Click on the “Select Khatiyan” drop down box , select the Khatiyan Number and click on “View RoR” button.

4. There are three bottoms present at the bottom of RoR page.

   a. Click on “Khatiyan Page” button to return to the home page.

   b. Click on “Print” button to print the RoR

   c. Click on “Pay Land Revenue” button to go to ePauti 

Portal for payment of land revenue online.

Links to other important sites of Bhulekh Odisha:

1. Click on “Departmental User Login” for R&DM officials

2. Click on “Payment of Stamp Duty” for Online Stamp Duty payment site

3. Click on “RCCMS” for Revenue Court Case Management System application.

4. Click on “Payment of Land Revenue” for online payment of Land revenue through ePauti portal

5. Click on “Registration Portal” for accessing IGR, Odisha site.

6. Click on “Map View” for accessing Bhunaksha site.


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