
HRMS Odisha Payslip Download Login at apps.hrmsodisha.gov.in

HRMS Odisha Payslip / Salary Slip Checks at official website and download Odisha salary details online or print Payslip from HRMS portal for Government employees of Odisha state…

Human Resources Management System(HRMS) is an application software to carryout personnel  transaction of Government employees in on-line mode through internet. The software is developed in-house by Centre For Modernizing Government Initiative(CMGI). CMGI is the Administrative Reforms Program of General Administration & Public Grievance Department, Government of Odisha.

HRMS Odisha Payslip Download
pic credit : HRMS Odisha portal

Only employees of Government of Odisha can access HRMS. Each employee of Government of Odisha is provided with a User-Id and Password to login into Odisha HRMS and use it.

How to Login into HRMS Odisha HRMS ?

 Visit official webpage (URL on the address bar of browser):

http://hrmsorissa.gov.in . or https://apps.hrmsodisha.gov.in/index.htm

1. Login page of HRMS will appear.

2. This login page is a secured page and you can see a lock sign on the browser menu-bar.

It means no body can hack your User-Id or Password on internet.

3. Now You need to type your user-id and then your password in appropriate box and click Login button on the page.

4. HRMS system will verify your user-id and password and allow you to login only if you are a valid user.

HRMS Odisha Payslip

Visit Official website of Odisha Human Resource Management System Portal at :

 http://hrmsorissa.gov.in . or https://apps.hrmsodisha.gov.in/index.htm

1. Where You can Click on the Personal Login / HRMS Login

2. Now you can Enter username and password

3. And also Enter the security Code shown in the box and press Login.

4. Once verified, now you are at the Odisha employee page

5. Verify your name at end of the employee Page

6. Where Click on My Profile option and then Click on Payslip

7. And Select Month and Year for which Payslip you need to generate.

8. Well, It Immediately Odisha employee payslip may load on screen as selected.

That’s it, you can use the option to download or print Odisha payslip from web page for reference.


Why I failed to Login into HRMS? What to do then?

Ans.: Login fails if you are not a valid user or you do not type in proper User-Id or Password on login page of HRMS. While typing your user-id and password be sure to keep CAPSLOCK off in your computer-keyboard, because password in HRMS is case sensitive. 

Secondly, login also fails if your password is expired. You are supposed to keep changing your password in every 15days for security reason.

Can I Use mobile, How to check HRMS Odisha Payslip from a mobile browser?

Ans.: Yes its Possible, the HRMS Odisha portal designed to laid on mobile browsers. employee of Government of Odisha is provided with a User-Id and Password to login into HRMS and use it from anywhere. Just view their details along with downloading the respective pay slip.


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